AI 文摘


  • By AiBard123
  • September 26, 2023 - 2 min read

作者: 我的AI力量 来源: 我的AI力量


要在现实世界中得到烟雾效果并不容易,但在 Midjourney 中只需要一些提示词技巧就可以实现。我们来一起探索如何在 Midjourney 中实现各种类型的烟雾效果,如何将其融入到风景、建筑和肖像中以增强气氛,以及如何利用颜色和灯光创造出令人惊叹的视觉效果。

# 烟雾效果的类型



Prompt: a Rolls Royce races on a desert highway leaving spectacular billowing plumes of dust smoke in its wake, golden hour –ar 16:9 (一辆劳斯莱斯在沙漠公路上疾驰,留下壮观的滚滚尘烟,黄金时刻)

Prompt: layers of rolling fog over San Francisco cityscape at blue hour, Phase One, urban landscape –ar 16:9 (蓝色时刻旧金山城市景观上的层层滚动雾气,Phase One,城市景观)

Prompt: a superhero hovers in the air over a fog-filled cityscape, cape billowing –ar 16:9 (一位超级英雄在雾气弥漫的城市上空盘旋,披风飘扬)

Prompt: steam curls around Xiao Long Bao, translucent skins, cradled in a steamer bathed in ethereal morning light, food photography –ar 16:9 (蒸笼里的小笼包,半透明的外皮,沐浴在空灵的晨光中,美食摄影)

# 烟雾作为画面的主题


Prompt: a golden heart shaped smoke on a blue background, smooth and curved lines, dreamlike whimsy (蓝色背景上的金色心形烟雾,流畅而弯曲的线条,梦幻般的奇思妙想)

Prompt: a star shape made of shimmering silver smoke, twinkling essence, on a midnight blue background (由闪烁的银色烟雾组成的星星形状,闪烁的精华,在午夜蓝色的背景上)

Prompt: The letter ‘A’ sculpted from ruby red smoke on a pristine white backdrop, elegant strokes, typographic elegance (字母 “A “由红宝石色的烟雾雕刻而成,背景为纯净的白色,笔触优雅,字体优雅)

# 将烟雾融入各种摄影类型




Prompt: a vast ocean at dawn, delicate mist on surface, mesmerizing blur boundary –ar 16:9 (曙光中的浩瀚海洋,表面细腻的薄雾,令人迷醉的模糊边界)


Prompt: a volcano erupting, spewing molten lava, with thick plumes of smoke rising, merging with the ash-filled sky, creating a dramatic dance of fire and air, Nikon D850 –ar 16:9 (火山爆发,熔岩喷涌,浓烟滚滚,与火山灰弥漫的天空融为一体,形成了火与空气的戏剧性舞蹈,尼康 D850)

Prompt: A majestic waterfall crashing into a lagoon, releasing steam that rises and mingles with the surrounding mist, creating a harmonious union of water and air, Revolog Kolor –ar 16:9 (雄伟的瀑布冲入泻湖,释放出蒸气,蒸气升腾,与周围的薄雾交织在一起,形成了水与空气的和谐统一,Revolog Kolor)



Prompt: lone wolf snow-covered plain, visible breath, seamless with winter fog, Nikon D850 (雪原上的孤狼,清晰可见的气息,与冬雾无缝衔接,尼康 D850)

Prompt: graceful deer, dense forest edge, morning mist, mysterious tranquility, Nikon D850 (优雅的鹿、密林边缘、晨雾、神秘宁静、尼康 D850)

Prompt: cheetah sprinting, savannah, dust in motion, afternoon haze, speed and grace, Nikon D850 (猎豹冲刺, 大草原, 运动中的尘埃, 午后烟霞, 速度与优雅, 尼康 D850)



Prompt: The Great Wall of China, winding through a mist-shrouded landscape, misty atmosphere, dramatic curves, intricate wall details, vibrant and mystical, national geographic –ar 16:9 (中国万里长城,蜿蜒在薄雾笼罩的风景中,缥缈的气氛,戏剧性的曲线,错综复杂的墙体细节,充满活力和神秘感,国家地理)

Prompt: Golden Gate Bridge, tower piercing thick fog, blue hour, dramatic lighting, in the style of national geographic –ar 16:9 (金门大桥,高塔刺破浓雾,蓝色时刻,戏剧性的灯光,国家地理的风格)

Prompt: Neuschwanstein Castle, turrets, spires, winter haze, fairy tale ambiance, enchanting, Bavarian wonderland, intricate details, dreamy atmosphere, pastel colors, storybook charm, Revolog Kolor –ar 16:9 (新天鹅堡、炮塔、尖顶、冬日烟霞、童话氛围、迷人、巴伐利亚仙境、复杂细节、梦幻氛围、粉彩、故事书的魅力、Revolog Kolor)


# 烟雾和其他元素的结合




Prompt: elegant ball gown, swirling mist, graceful flow, ethereal, wisps of fabric, dreamlike, pastel hues, high fashion (优雅的舞裙、旋转的薄雾、优美的流线、空灵、缕缕织物、梦幻般、柔和的色调、高级时装)

Prompt: Model’s hypnotic eyes, intense captivating gaze, tendrils of smoke mascara, surreal allure, close-up, vibrant colors, dreamlike, surrealism, enigmatic, high fashion (模特催眠般的眼睛、强烈迷人的目光、卷曲的烟熏睫毛膏、超现实的诱惑、特写、鲜艳的色彩、梦幻般、超现实主义、神秘、高级时装)

Prompt: fine art photography, model, misty forest, soft morning light, merge with surrounding fog, tranquil atmosphere, ethereal beauty, enchanting woodland, delicate blending, serene ambiance, pastel hues, subtle gradients (艺术摄影、模特、缥缈的森林、柔和的晨光、与周围的雾气融合、宁静的氛围、空灵之美、迷人的林地、细腻的混合、宁静的氛围、柔和的色调、微妙的渐变)



Prompt: muscle car drifts on misty racetrack, tires billowing smoke, intense action, cinematic lighting –ar 16:9 (肌肉车在雾蒙蒙的赛道上漂移,轮胎冒烟,激烈的动作,电影般的灯光)

Prompt: Formula 1 race car, high-speed, dynamic motion, intense action, scorching asphalt, billowing plumes of burning rubber smoke, dramatic lighting, vivid colors, motion blur, racing stripe (一级方程式赛车、高速、动态运动、激烈动作、灼热的沥青、滚滚的橡胶燃烧烟雾、戏剧性的灯光、鲜艳的色彩、运动模糊、赛车条纹)

Prompt: Cruise ship emerges from thick morning mist at sea, tranquil and mystical ambiance, soft lighting, sea spray, intricate ship features, fog enveloping the vessel –ar 16:9 (游轮从海上浓浓的晨雾中驶出,宁静而神秘的氛围,柔和的灯光,海雾,错综复杂的船只特征,雾气笼罩着船只)



Prompt: Steaming apple pie, slice missing, warm golden crust, aromatic, wisps of steam, close-up, soft ambient light, enticing, delicious texture (热气腾腾的苹果派,切片缺失,温暖的金色外皮,芳香四溢,缕缕蒸汽,特写,柔和的环境光,诱人,美味的口感)

Prompt: steam curls around seafood platter on ice, wisps of steam, misty freshness, glistening ice crystals, elegant arrangement, culinary masterpiece, cool blue tones (冰上海鲜拼盘蒸汽袅袅,缕缕水汽,缥缈清新,晶莹冰晶,优雅布置,烹饪杰作,冷蓝色调)

Prompt: steam curls around Vanilla ice cream cone, wisps of steam, creamy textures, close-up, vibrant colors (蒸汽在香草冰淇淋甜筒上袅袅升起,缕缕蒸汽,奶油质感,特写,色彩鲜艳)

# 创造性运用不同颜色的烟雾

颜色在塑造我们的情感发挥着关键作用。当与烟雾的飘逸本质相结合时,色彩可以创造生动、超现实和奇幻的效果。在写 Midjourney 提示词时,可以试试不同颜色的烟雾,看看它们产生的效果有何不同。


Prompt 1: woman in a futuristic attire, neon green smoke, cybernetic cityscape, artificial lighting (身着未来派服装的女性,霓虹灯绿色烟雾,电子城市景观,人工照明)

Prompt 2: woman in a futuristic attire, neon blue smoke, cybernetic cityscape, artificial lighting (穿着未来派服装的女性,霓虹灯蓝色烟雾,电子城市景观,人工照明)

Prompt 1: A cosmic goddess manifests in a nebula surrounded by shimmering celestial mists of azure –ar 16:9 (一位宇宙女神在星云中显现,周围环绕着闪闪发光的蔚蓝色天体迷雾)

Prompt 2: A cosmic goddess manifests in a nebula surrounded by shimmering celestial mists of gold –ar 16:9 (宇宙女神在星云中显现,周围环绕着闪闪发光的金色天雾)

# 使用灯光加强效果


Prompt: steam escaping from a vintage train, backlit by the setting sun –ar 16:9 (一列老式火车在夕阳的映衬下冒出蒸汽)

Prompt: Steam escaping from a vintage train –ar 16:9 (老式火车冒出蒸汽)

Prompt: woman’s face half-hidden by a veil of vapor, with one side illuminated by a cold, blue light, and the other in shadows (女人的脸被一层水汽半遮半掩,一面被蓝色的冷光照亮,另一面则处于阴影之中)

Prompt: woman’s face half-hidden by a veil of vapor (女人的脸半遮半掩在水汽中)

# 其他艺术媒介


Prompt: Ink portrait, A4-style, fashion model with eyes exuding mystery and allure, partially concealed behind swirling plumes of dark, mesmerizing ink smoke (水墨肖像,A4 风格,时装模特的眼睛散发着神秘和诱惑,部分隐藏在旋转的深色水墨烟雾后面,令人着迷)

Prompt: sumi e drawing of Chinese fisherman on skiff, lone figure navigating through dawn mist on serene lake, intricate details, black and white –ar 16:9 (中国渔夫在小舟上的水墨画,孤独的身影在晨雾中穿梭于宁静的湖面,细节复杂,黑白画面)

Prompt: Ink art of graceful dancing girl, flowing dress gradually transforming into wisps of ethereal smoke, capturing the ephemeral beauty of the moment (水墨艺术中翩翩起舞的女孩,飘逸的裙摆逐渐幻化成缕缕空灵的烟雾,捕捉到了这一瞬间的短暂之美)

Prompt: Traditional ink painting of a serene village enveloped in a tranquil mist, rolling hills, thatched roofs, wisps of smoke, simplicity and harmony, monochromatic tones, nostalgia and tranquility –ar 16:9 (传统水墨画,描绘笼罩在宁静薄雾中的宁静村庄、连绵起伏的群山、茅草屋顶、缕缕炊烟、简约和谐、单色调、怀旧与宁静)

Prompt: Soft watercolor background with smoke forming ghostly figures (柔和的水彩背景,烟雾形成鬼魅般的身影)

# 总结



