AI 文摘


  • By AiBard123
  • November 14, 2023 - 2 min read

作者: RaDesign 来源: RaDesign

上周末,DALL-E 3 正式加入Chat Gpt ,目前 Plus 用户和企业用户已经正式使用该功能,不仅是用户设计输出方面,也为科研项目输出相关的图片。


如果您是免费用户,可以尝试用 Bingchat 和 Image creator 使用 Dall-e 3 模型。

Bingchat 地址链接:

Image creator 地址链接:


** 1.Nature’s Majesty - 大自然的壮丽景观**

Prompt: “A serene landscape of [specific region ], showcasing [dominant natural feature ], inhabited by [species of animals ], during [time of day or season ].”

提示: “展示[特定地区 ]的宁静风景,以[主要自然特征 ]为特色,栖息着[动物种类 ],在[一天中的时间或季节 ]。”

图片描述:A serene landscape of the African savannah, showcasing the vast grasslands, inhabited by elephants and zebras, during a golden sunset.

** 2. Cinematic Snapshots - 电影般的瞬间**

Prompt: “High-resolution cinematic photograph capturing [subject or event ], taken from [specific angle or perspective ], employing [camera technique ], to evoke [specific emotion or atmosphere ].”

提示: “采用[相机技巧 ],从[特定角度或视角 ]拍摄的高分辨率电影照片,捕捉[主题或事件 ],以唤起[特定情感或氛围 ]。”

图片描述:High-resolution cinematic photograph capturing a bustling Tokyo street at night, taken from a bird’s-eye view, employing a long exposure, to evoke the frenetic energy and motion of urban life.

** 3. Artistic Alchemy - 艺术炼金术**

Prompt: “Digital artwork blending [two distinct art styles ], to depict [subject ], integrating elements of [specific details or themes ], creating a harmonious yet unexpected fusion.”

提示: “将[两种不同的艺术风格 ]融合的数字艺术作品,描绘[主题 ],融入[特定细节或主题元素 ],创造出和谐但意想不到的融合。”

图片描述:Digital artwork blending Cubism and Japanese Ukiyo-e, to depict a geisha, integrating elements of fragmented geometric shapes and traditional woodblock aesthetics, creating a harmonious yet unexpected fusion.

** 4. Platformer Game Design - 平台游戏设计**

Prompt: Concept art for a [game genre ] set in [specific setting ], showcasing [main characters or elements ], detailed with [specific design style ], emphasizing [specific theme or emotion ].

提示: “[游戏类型 ]的概念艺术,设定在[具体场景 ]中,展示[主要角色或元素 ],以[具体设计风格 ]详细呈现,强调[特定主题或情感 ]。”

图片描述:Concept art for a platformer game set in an enchanted forest, showcasing mystical creatures and hidden temples, detailed with hand-painted textures, emphasizing the theme of discovery and wonder.

** 5. Interdimensional Realism - 跨维度写实主义**

Prompt: “Oil painting capturing a scene from [specific setting ], blending realism with [specific surreal elements ], creating [specific gateways or vistas ] into [alternate dimensions or realities description ].”

提示: “以油画捕捉[具体场景 ]中的一幕,将写实主义与[特定的超现实元素 ]相融合,创造[具体的通道或景观 ],通往[交替维度或现实的描述 ]。”

图片描述:Oil painting capturing a serene lakeside scene, blending realism with surreal elements, where the lake’s surface becomes a window into a vibrant alien world teeming with bioluminescent flora and fauna.

** 6. Futuristic Fashion - 未来时尚**

Prompt: “Comprehensive design sketches for [occasion ], showcasing outfits with [materials ] enhanced by [tech elements ], drawing inspiration from both [historical era ] and [future predictions ]. Accessories and footwear details are elaborated.”

提示: “为[场合 ]绘制全面的设计草图,展示由[技术元素 ]增强的[材料 ]制成的服装,汲取[历史时代 ]和[未来预测 ]的灵感。重点展现配饰和鞋履的细节。”

图片描述:Comprehensive design sketches for a space gala, showcasing outfits with silk enhanced by luminescent threads, drawing inspiration from both Renaissance and predicted Martian styles. Details of anti-gravity heels and holographic tiaras are elaborated.

** 7. Digital Domination - 数字霸主**

Prompt: “Website landing page design for a [specific product or service ], incorporating [specific design elements or features ], using [specific color palette or design style ], with a focus on [specific call to action ].”

提示: “为[特定产品或服务 ]设计网站首页,整合[特定设计元素或特点 ],采用[特定调色板或设计风格 ],侧重于[特定的行动号召 ]。”

图片描述:Website landing page design for a digital marketing agency, incorporating dynamic animations and client testimonials, using a bold red and black color palette, with a focus on “Schedule a Free Consultation.”

** 8. Vintage Vignettes - 复古照片**

Prompt: “Photograph of a [specific decade ] moment at [iconic location ], highlighting [central characters ] amidst a crowd.”

提示: “在[标志性场所 ]拍摄的[特定年代 ]瞬间照片,突出显示人群中的[中心人物 ]。”

图片描述:Photograph of a 1960s moment at Woodstock, highlighting two young lovers dancing amidst a sea of festival-goers.

** 9. Business Card Elegance - 商务名片优雅设计**

Prompt: “Business card design for an [entrepreneur or business type ], using a [specific design style ], with [specific elements or embellishments ], aiming to leave a memorable and lasting impression.”

提示: “为[企业家或企业类型 ]设计名片,采用[特定设计风格 ],具有[特定元素或装饰],旨在留下令人难忘且持久的印象。”

图片描述:Business card design for a bespoke tailor, using an art deco style, with gold foil patterns and intricate borders, aiming to exude elegance and craftsmanship.

** 10. Urban Unveilings - 城市风景**

Prompt: “Pencil sketch capturing a [specific urban environment ], highlighting [specific architectural or environmental features ], detailed in [drawing technique ], accentuated by [specific urban elements or activities ].”

提示: “用铅笔勾勒出[特定的城市环境 ],突出[特定的建筑或环境特征 ],以[绘画技巧 ]详细描述,强调[特定的城市元素或活动 ]。”

图片描述:Pencil sketch capturing a bustling marketplace, highlighting wrought-iron lamp posts and cobblestone paths, detailed in cross-hatching, accentuated by street performers and café terraces.

** 11. Biomechanical Beauty - 生物机械之美**

Prompt: “Art piece depicting a [creature ] embodying both [natural elements ] and [mechanical components ], set in a [type of environment ] with [lighting conditions ].”

提示: “绘制一个[生物 ],融合了[自然元素 ]和[机械部件 ],位于[一种环境 ]中,具有[光线条件 ]。”

图片描述:Art piece depicting an owl embodying both feathery wings and steampunk gears, set in a twilight forest with ethereal moonlight filtering through.

** 12. Street Style Sensation - 街头风采之触**

Prompt: “Merchandise design for [specific brand or artist ], suitable for [specific product type ], using [specific art style ], including [specific elements or symbols ], aiming to appeal to [specific target audience ].”

提示: “为[特定品牌或艺术家 ]设计商品,适用于[特定产品类型 ],采用[特定艺术风格 ],包括[特定元素或符号 ],旨在吸引[特定目标受众 ]。”

图片描述:Merchandise design for an urban streetwear brand, suitable for hoodies, using graffiti art style, including urban cityscape elements, aiming to appeal to trendy young adults.

** 13. Box Office Hit - 大片风采**

Prompt: “Movie poster design for “[film title ]”, showcasing [lead actors ] in [dramatic poses ] against [setting or backdrop ], complemented by [specific graphic elements or typography ].”

提示: “为“[电影标题 ]”设计电影海报,展示[主演 ]在[戏剧性姿态 ]下的形象,背景设定为[特定场景或背景 ],并加入[特定图形元素或排版 ]。”

图片描述:Movie poster design for “Adrift”, showcasing two astronauts in action-packed poses against an alien planet backdrop, complemented by retro-futuristic typography.

** 14. Painted Panoramas - 绘制全景画**

Prompt: “Expansive oil painting of [natural setting ], with [specific flora and fauna ], bathed in the glow of [light source ], rendered in [specific style or technique ].”

提示: “制作一幅宽阔的油画,描绘[自然环境 ],其中包括[特定的植物和动物 ],沐浴在[光源 ]的照耀下,采用[特定的风格或技巧 ]绘制。”

图片描述:Expansive oil painting of the Rocky Mountains, with towering pines and grazing elk, bathed in the soft glow of dawn, rendered in a classic impressionist style.

** 15. Dynamic Dance - 充满活力的舞蹈**

Prompt: “Action shot capturing [type of dance ], performed by [number of dancers ], in [specific setting or environment ], aiming to depict [specific emotion or energy ].”

提示: “拍摄一张动作截图,展现[舞蹈类型 ],由[舞者数量 ]名舞者表演,在[特定的场景或环境 ]中,旨在描绘[特定的情感或能量 ]。”

图片描述:Action shot capturing a tango duet, performed by a passionate pair, in a dimly lit ballroom, aiming to depict the fervor and intensity of their connection.

** 16. Viral Marketing - 病毒式营销**

Prompt: “Marketing poster for a [product or service ], using a [specific design style ], showcasing [specific elements or features ], with a catchy tagline that emphasizes [unique selling proposition ].”

提示: “[产品或服务 ]的营销海报,采用[特定的设计风格 ],展示[特定的元素或特点 ],搭配一个引人注目的口号,强调[独特的卖点 ]。”

图片描述:Marketing poster for a smartwatch, using a futuristic neon style, showcasing its sleek design and fitness tracking features, with the catchy tagline “Wear the Future, Track the Now.”

** 17. Metal Art -金属艺术**

Prompt: “Digital artwork using a liquid metal technique, portraying [specific subject ] in [specific action or state ], where the [specific metal type ] texture flows and melds, capturing [specific light source ] reflections and creating a sense of [specific emotion ].”

提示: “采用液态金属技巧的数字艺术作品,描绘[特定主题 ]在[特定动作或状态 ]中,其中[特定金属类型 ]的纹理流动和融合,捕捉[特定光源 ]的反射,营造出一种[特定情感 ]的感觉。”

图片描述:Digital artwork using a liquid metal technique, portraying a phoenix in mid-flight, where the silver texture flows and melds, capturing the sun’s reflections and creating a sense of fluidity and rebirth.

** 18. Nautical Narratives - 航海故事**

Prompt: “Watercolor seascape of [specific maritime location ], with [types of vessels or marine life ], under [specific weather condition ], rendered with [specific brushwork or technique ].”

提示: “水彩海景,描绘[特定海洋位置 ],伴随[特定类型的船只或海洋生物 ],在[特定天气条件 ]下,采用[特定的画笔技巧或手法 ]制作。”

图片描述:Watercolor seascape of a serene harbor, with fishing boats and playful dolphins, under a pastel sunset, rendered with wet-on-wet blending.

** 19. Contemporary Craftsmanship - 当代工艺品**

Prompt: “Sculpture design for a [type of public space ], inspired by [modern art movement ], utilizing [materials ], showcasing [specific features or functionalities ].”

提示: “为[公共空间类型 ]设计雕塑,灵感来自[现代艺术运动 ],使用[材料 ],展示[特定特点或功能 ]。”

图片描述:Sculpture design for an urban park, inspired by minimalism, utilizing polished granite, showcasing cascading water features with interactive light displays.

** 20. Geometric Luminescence - 发光几何**

Prompt: Vector design focusing on [specific subject ], using sharp geometric patterns illuminated from [specific source ], creating a radiant mosaic that plays with [specific light interactions ].

提示: 矢量设计,聚焦于[特定主题 ],使用明亮的几何图案,受[特定光源 ]照亮,创造出一个充满辉煌并应用[特定光线交互 ]的马赛克图案。

图片描述:Vector design focusing on a city skyline at night, using sharp geometric patterns illuminated from within, with each building and structure creating a radiant mosaic that plays with the contrasting moonlight and city lights.

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